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10 Interesting Facts About Planet Uranus
Uranus is the seventh sun-born planet and the first scientists to discover it. While Planet Uranus is visible to the nak...
World's Deadliest Island - Ilha da Queimada Grande (Snake Island)
Snake Island may not have human habitats, but what earned the island its name is its resident snake population that is o...
15 Most Bizarre Superstitions Around The World
There are a sure measure of unreasoning convictions among individuals living in a network, emerging now and then from dr...
10 Amazing Facts About Giant Planet Jupiter
Planet Jupiter is the largest planet and the fifth planet in the solar system. Earth is two and a half times more massiv...
15 McDonald’s photos from the 80’s and 90’s which show how time changes everything
Far before, McDonalds had been around. And its likely to be around, if not centuries, for several more dec...
15 Worth Knowing Facts About Johnny Depp
Johnny Depp, in full John Christopher Depp II, (born June 9, 1963, Owensboro, Kentucky, U.S.), American actor and musici...
10 Wild Facts About Knabstrupper Horses
The Knabstrupper is a variety of uncommon Danish horses that are described by an unpredictable scope of hue on their jac...
Do You Know What Causes Sleep Paralysis?
Normally your brain causes your muscles to relax and be still as you sleep. This is called “atonia.” Sleep paralysis see...
All You Must Know About Afghanistan Before Visiting
Are you planning to visit Afghanistan? But you must know about Afghanistan before planning.
Happy Doctors Day 2020
In India, in 1991 the First Doctors Day was celebrated. The birth and death anniversary of Indias most famous phy...
International Day Against Drug Abuse And Illicit Trafficking
International Day Against Drug Abuse & Illicit Trafficking, also known as World Drug Day, is celebrated on the 26th ...
Vatican City - The Smallest Country In The World
Vatican City is the smallest country in the world, and it is placed under the jurisdiction of the Holy See, which means ...
15 Pictures Captured At The Perfect Moment
A powerful image is one that looks real. Remember, you are trying to evoke an emotion — a genuine feeling in the viewer ...
Great Pyramid Of Giza - One Of The Ancient Seven Wonders
Pyramid of Giza sometimes spelt Gizeh; three 4th-dynasty pyramids erected on a rocky plateau on the west bank of the riv...
Top 5 Most Expensive Paintings In The World
The history of art is long and extraordinary, ranging from classic to contemporary. The world knows many of the great ma...
10 Freezing Facts About Himalayas
The Himalayas, great mountain system of Asia, forming a barrier between the Plateau of Tibet to the north and the alluvi...
12 Things You Didn’t Know About Barack Obama
How much do you know about former President Barack Obama? Whether you love the guy, loathe him or remain indifferent, th...
7 Bizarre Cuisines Made With Blood Around The Globe
Eating blood: Its not just for vampires! Its been a culinary mainstay all over the world for as long as th...
World Refugee Day 2020 - 20 June
World Refugee Day is an international day designated by the United Nations to honour refugees around the globe. It falls...
International Picnic Day 2020
International Picnic Day is celebrated every year on June 18 in many countries all over the world, although its origins ...
10 Interesting Facts About Charlie Chaplin
Charlie Chaplin was a comedic British actor who became one of the biggest stars of the 20th century
10 Beautiful Pieces of Art Made Out of Scrap Metal Sculptures
Scrap metal sculptures are used by artists near and far to construct three-dimensional pieces of art. This can be done b...
Why Rolls Royce Is Not Affordable Even If You Are A Billionaire?
Rolls-Royce Motor Cars are renowned for their outstanding quality, exquisite craftsmanship and attention to detail. When...
The Existence Of Megamouth Sharks
The megamouth shark is a rare shark and a large species, reaching weights of 2700 pounds (1215 kg). However, it is the s...
Juliet's House In Verona
Juliet’s house (Casa di Giulietta) is one of the main attractions of Verona with the most famous balcony in the world. E...
10 Amazing Facts About Mount St. Helens
Mount St. Helens is one of the Pacific Northwests many volcanic peaks. Part of what is known as the Pacific Rim o...
Celebrity Couples With Huge Age Gaps
Like normal couples, celebrities sometimes date well above or below their age. After all, love will take several types, ...
Hyperion -The Tallest Tree In The World
Hyperion was discovered by naturalists Chris Atkins and Michael Taylor at the end of August 2006 in a remote part of the...
Humorous Comics Show What It’s Like To Be A Woman In Daily Life
From makeup products to marked clothes, there are still a lot of things to consider every day! Tsk-tsk, this lady has fi...
There’s A Reason To Glance At ‘Food Porn’ That Leave You Hungry
You can sometimes fully understand what you’re really looking at isn’t food you can eat, but brain processes and made yo...