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Mythbusting Ancient Rome: Did Christians ban the ancient Olympics?
Every two years, when the Winter or Summer Olympics comes around, we hear about how the games staged at Olympia
Interesting Ancient History Facts You Definitely
Turns out, the school does not teach us all we need to know about ancient history. Beyond the well-known — the pyramids,...
Something old, something new for Michael Stipe
After Michael Stipe opens a gate to the abandoned Manhattan storefront that serves as his studio, you find a man easily traversing his past
The Evolution of Chess: From Ancient India to Modern Esports
In an era where video games dominate the gaming landscape, one ancient board game continues to captivate millions and evolve with technology
Facts About Some Peculiar World Currencies
Human beings are obsessed with money. In the modern world, it dictates our work, our play and our interactions with frie...
Quotes about Museums, Art and History
Quotes about Museums, Art and History ~~~ I paint flowers so they will not die. Frida Kahlo ~~~ Painter, you are not a speaker! Paint so and be silen...
Museum Economics: How the contemporary art boom is hurting the bottom line
Robert Ekelund, Auburn University Americans clearly love their museums, particularly in the summer months. In fact, museum attendance is estimated at ...
Top 10 Facts about Doors that will be Interesting to Know
Let's look at the top 10 facts about Doors!
Top 5 Interesting Facts About Sulfur
Sulfur is the tenth most abundant chemical element on the planet
Top 5 Interesting Facts About The Savanna
Savanna, sometimes written savannah, is characterized by a continuous grassy layer, often with widely scattered trees...
World Blood Donor Day
There are several reasons why people take part in blood donation events like World Blood Donor Day every year
Top 15 Facts about Manny Ramirez
Let’s look at the top 15 facts about the best baseball player in the history Manny Ramirez
International Day of the Celebration of the Solstice
When is International Day of the Celebration of the Solstice Celebrated?
World Population Day
It is a worldwide day to raise worldwide mindfulness about current population patterns influencing the world
When is World Red Cross Day Celebrated?
Every year, 8 May marks World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day
When is World Lupus Day Celebrated?
The overall yearly recognition additionally focuses on the necessity for further developed patient medical care
International Midwives Day
International Midwives Day has been noticed all around the world on 5 May consistently starting around 1992
When is World Tuna Day Celebrated?
Tuna Day doesn’t encourage eating more fish, rather appealing regard for this important species
Just Blaze Brings Exclusive Sonic Art to Heineken Green Room at Silk City
Philadelphia's cultural landscape is set to be enriched as legendary producer and DJ Just Blaze prepares for an intimate performance
Top 10 Facts About Robots
Robots are growing smarter and more beneficial to humans in most industries
Top 5 Fun Facts About The Number 47
Numbers aren’t just characters that we use for calculations, they always carry some significance with them
Top 5 Fun Facts About April for Babies Born in this Month
Top 5 Fun Facts About April
Lets read t...
Top 5 Liza Koshy Facts that You Never Heard Before
Liza Koshy is a Vine star, better known by her social media handle and online pseudonym Lizza