Wellcome Collection

Wellcome Collection The Wellcome Collection is a museum displaying a mixture of medical artifacts and original artworks exploring ideas about the conn...
Highlights of the Wellcome Collection
Wellcome Collection
Wellcome Collection
Wellcome Collection

Wellcome Collection

The Wellcome Collection is a museum displaying a mixture of medical artifacts and original artworks exploring “ideas about the connections between medicine, life, and art.”

The museum offers contemporary and historic exhibitions and collections, the Wellcome Library, a café, and a bookshop.

The Wellcome Collection was founded by Sir Henry Solomon Wellcome (1853–1936), an enthusiastic traveler and collector.

Henry Wellcome, amassed a massive collection of books, paintings, and objects on the theme of the historical development of medicine worldwide.

Highlights of the Wellcome Collection

  • “Daedalus and Icarus” by A.G.L. Desnoyers after C.P. Landon
  • ‘Medicine Man’ Galleries
  • Medical Glassware
  • Masks
  • Medical Instruments
  • Votive offerings
  • Artworks
  • Anatomical Models

Wellcome Collection

  • Site:                 Wellcome Collection
  • City:                 London
  • Country:          United Kingdom
  • Founded:        2007
  • Type:               Medical antiquities and Art Museum
  • Location:        183 Euston Rd, London, UK

Wellcome Collection – Map

Wellcome Collection – 360 Views

Wellcome Collection

Explore London’s Museums and Heritage Sites

  • The British Museum
  • The National Gallery, London
  • Tate Britain
  • The Wallace Collection
  • The Victoria and Albert Museum
  • Queen’s Gallery, Buckingham Palace
  • Courtauld Gallery
  • Tate Modern, London
  • Science Museum, London
  • National Portrait Gallery, London
  • Natural History Museum
  • Charles Dickens Museum
  • Hampton Court Palace
  • Sherlock Holmes Museum
  • British Library
  • Imperial War Museum

Wellcome Collection

Mindfulness at Tibet’s Secret Temple exhibition, Wellcome Collection

Forensic entomology | The crime scene


“The world is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper.”
– Bertrand Russell


Photo Credit: JOM

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4 December 2019, 12:12 | Views: 1335

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