Not only do good reading skills benefit students academically, but they are also a skill required for lifelong success. Reading develops vocabulary, increases attention span, and promotes stronger analytical thinking.
Encouraging children to read has been a challenge as long as there have been kids and books. Reading is essential not only in education but in the modern business world where so much communication takes place digitally, over email and text-based messaging systems.
Let’s know the top 12 ways for parents to help children enjoy reading.
1. Read several stories every day

The more children are exposed to literature, the more reading will become part of their daily life. A child is introduced to new information, concepts, and phonemic awareness with every story.
2. Make time for reading.

If your child has a jam-packed schedule and reading is shoved between gymnastics and band practice, a reading may seem like an unwelcome chore. Allow reading to be a relaxing and enjoyable time, free from pressure.
3. Visit the library once a week

Have your child apply for her own library card so she can check out books on her own for schoolwork and for pleasure reading. Ask your child to bring home a library book to read to a younger sibling and encourage her to check out books on tape that she can listen to on long car trips.
How To Identify If You Are A Suspect Of Coronavirus?4. Develop children’s oral language

Depending on the child’s language skill level, give him a story to read or have a story read to them. When the story is finished, ask your child to pinpoint favourite parts of the story. This can enable children to have fun picking out words.
5. Show enthusiasm for your child’s interests and encourage her to explore subjects that fascinate her.

If she’s a horse nut, offer her stories about riding or challenge her to find five facts about horses in the encyclopedia.
6. Encourage a wide variety of reading activities

Make reading an essential part of your children’s lives. Let them read menus, movie name, roadside signs, game guides, weather reports, and other practical everyday information. Always try to make sure your children have something to read in their spare time.
7. Let humour work its magic!

Select a funny book at your child’s reading level and read the first chapter aloud. Then stop reading. If your child wants to find out what happens next, he’ll have to read it himself!
8. Give your child writing materials

Reading and writing go hand in hand. Children want to learn to write and to practice writing. If you make pencils, crayons, and paper available at all times, your child will be more inclined to initiate writing activities on his own.
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Technology is changing the way we all learn, and it can have a positive impact on kids and their reading. By adding technology like tablet e-readers to the classroom, students’ self-esteem and confidence rises.
Technology also gives students who have grown up in an age of smartphones and ubiquitous computers another outlet with which they are familiar to grow and learn. Building self-esteem through applied technology and increased reading skills can have a positive ripple-effect on every other area of a student’s life.
10. Get a little goofy.

Buy your older readers a headlamp so they can stay up “past bedtime.” It helps remind them that reading is a treat and a privilege—and they’ll feel grown-up.
11. Restrict television time

The less time your child spends watching television, the more time he will have for reading-related activities.
12. Show interest in your child’s reading

Your response or feedback has a strong effect on how hard they will try to become good readers. Always remember to give them genuine praise for their efforts.
Reading for pleasure seems to give kids an advantage in school because they are used to be introduced to new ideas and can process them more quickly and effectively than their non-reading peers.
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