Swiss Proverbs, Quotes and Sayings

Swiss Proverbs, Quotes, and Sayings ~~~ A greedy person and a pauper are practically one and the same. Swiss Proverb ~~~ Better to sell with regret t...
Quotes by Famous Swiss
A Tour of European Proverbs & Quotes
Museums in Switzerland

Swiss Proverbs, Quotes and Sayings


“A greedy person and a pauper are practically one and the same.”
– Swiss Proverb


“Better to sell with regret than to keep with regret.”
– Swiss Proverb


“The tongue is the worst piece of meat in the world.”
– Swiss Proverb


“As the stone leaves your hand, it belongs to the devil.”
– Swiss Proverb


“It is easier to criticize than to do better.”
– Swiss Proverb


“When one shuts one eye, one does not hear everything.”
– Swiss Proverb


“Words are dwarfs; deeds are giants.”
– Swiss Proverb


“Sometimes, you have to be silent to be heard.”
– Swiss Proverb


“Speech is silver; silence is golden.”
– Swiss Proverb


“A good spectator also creates.”
– Swiss Proverb


“He that sleeps sound feels not the toothache.”
– Swiss Proverb

“Ask ten brewers, and you will get eleven opinions.”
– Swiss Quotes


“He who mocks the cripple should be straight himself.”
– Swiss Quotes


“If you close one eye, you will not hear everything.”
– Swiss Quotes


“Better to sell with regret than to keep with regret.”
– Swiss Quotes


“God lets things go — but only to a point.”
– Swiss Quotes

“Great consolation may grow out of the smallest saying.”
– Swiss Quotes


“One simple maxim is often worth more than two good friends.”
– Swiss Quotes

“At the bottom of the sack, you will find the bill.”
– Swiss Quotes


“The poor lack much, but the greedy lack more.”
– Swiss Quotes


“When in doubt, who will win, be neutral.”
– Swiss Quotes


“Avoid those who don’t like bread and children.”
– Swiss Quotes


Quotes by Famous Swiss

“Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.”
– Carl Jung


“Imagination is more important than knowledge.”
– Albert Einstein


“Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains.”
– Jean-Jacques Rousseau


“I can’t stay No. 1 for fifty years, you know. We’ll see what happens.”
– Roger Federer


Famous Swiss Quotes – Carl Jung

“The least of things with a meaning is worth more in life than the greatest of things without it.”


“As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light of meaning in the darkness of mere being.”


“Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.”


“The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.”


“We cannot change anything until we accept it. Condemnation does not liberate; it oppresses.”


“In all chaos, there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order.”


“Show me a sane man and I will cure him for you.”


“Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.”


“Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darknesses of other people.”


“There is no coming to consciousness without pain.”


Famous Swiss Quotes  – Albert Einstein


“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.”


“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.”

“The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.”

“I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.”


“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.”

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”


“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”

“Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.”

“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.”


Museums in Switzerland

Swiss Museums

  • Zürich
    • Kunsthaus Zürich

A Tour of European Proverbs & Quotes

  • French Proverbs and Quotes
  • Italian Proverbs and Quotes
  • Greek Proverbs and Quotes
  • German Proverbs and Quotes
  • Austrian Proverbs and Quotes
  • Irish Quotes Proverbs and Sayings
  • Dutch Proverbs and Quotes
  • Spanish Proverbs and Quotes
  • Belgium Proverbs and Quotes
  • Serbian Proverbs and Quotes
  • Polish Proverbs and Quotes
  • Swiss Proverbs and Quotes
  • Czech Proverbs and Quotes
  • Norwegian Proverbs and Quotes

Famous Swiss

  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  • Albert Einstein
  • Carl Gustav Jung
  • Johann Bernoulli
  • Charles-Édouard Jeanneret, known as Le Corbusier
  • Alberto Giacometti
  • Louis-Joseph Chevrolet
  • Carla del Ponte
  • Johanna Louise Spyri
  • Roger Federer


  • Country:                           Swiss Confederation
  • German:                           Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft
  • French:                             Confédération suisse
  • Italian:                              Confederazione Svizzera
  • Romansh:                         Confederaziun svizra
  • Capital:                            None.  Bern is the seat of the federal authorities.
  • National language           German, French, Italian, Romansh
  • Population:                      8.4 million

Museums in Switzerland



“The devil hides himself in details.”
– Swiss Proverb


Photo Credit: By MadGeographer (see individual files for their author) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

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7 July 2020, 12:25 | Views: 3538

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