This sarcophagus lid of Queen Sitdjehuti is the upper part of her coffin, which was made of gold-plated sycamore wood and stucco. Sitdjehuti was a princess and queen of Egypt 3,500 years ago. She was the daughter of Pharaoh Senakhtenre Ahmose and Queen Tetisheri. She was the wife of her brother Seqenenre Tao and was the mother of Princess Ahmose.
Sitdjehuti’s titles include King’s Wife, King’s Sister, and King’s Daughter. Sitdjehuti’s mummy was discovered about 1820, along with its coffin, golden mask, a heart scarab, and linens donated by her niece, Queen Ahmose-Nefertari. The linen is inscribed with the text:
“Given in the favor of the god’s wife, king’s wife and king’s mother Ahmose Nefertari may she live, so Satdjehuty.”
Satdjehuti’s coffin lid is now held at Staatliche Sammlung für Ägyptische Kunst in Munich while her funerary mask is located in the British Museum, London.
When her husband Seqenenre Tao ruled over the last of the local kingdoms of the Theban region of Egypt in the Seventeenth Dynasty, he started the opening moves in a war against Hyksos incursions into Egypt. In a reversal of territorial losses incurred previous, the country was liberated entirely during the reign of his son Ahmose I.
- Title: Queen consort of Egypt
- Spouse: Seqenenre Tao
- Daughter: Ahmose
- Dynasty: 17th of Egypt
- Father: Pharaoh Senakhtenre
- Mother: Queen Tetisheri
Sarcophagus Lid of Queen Sitdjehuti
- Title: Sarcophagus Lid of Queen Sitdjehuti
- Deutsch: Vergoldete Sargmaske der Satdjehuti Satibu
- Date: 1575 BC
- Medium: gold-plated sycamore wood and stucco.
- Origins: Egypt
- Period: 17th Dynasty
- Findspot: Western Thebes, modern-day Egypt
- Museum: Staatliche Sammlung für Ägyptische Kunst
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“The whole self-stylization of the upper class, demand among other things that one does not allow oneself to be portrayed as one really is, but according to how one must appear to conform with certain hallowed conventions, remote from reality and the present time.”
– Arnold Hauser
Photo Credit: captmondo [CC BY-SA 3.0 (]
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