Puzzle Answers for the National Gallery, London

The National Gallery, London – Crossword Puzzle 1 Answers Answers for the National Gallery, London – Crossword Puzzle are in Bold Across 1. The man Je...
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National Gallery, London - Crossword Puzzle

Answers for the National Gallery, London – Crossword Puzzle are in Bold


1. The man Jesus restores to life four days after his death. Lazarus
2. The Roman name for Dionysus, the Greek god of wine and religious ecstasy. Bacchus
6. A period in European history, which was a cultural movement that profoundly affected European intellectual life. Renaissance
8. Homer’s epic poem set during the Trojan War. Iliad
11. An exuberantly decorative style which pushed to the extremes of illusion and theatricality. Rococo
12. A painted religious image produced by Eastern Christianity. Icon
13. A painting of a particular person. Portrait
14. The term used to describe the final period in the life of Jesus covering his entrance to Jerusalem and leading to his crucifixion. Passion


1. An elaborate and confusing structure designed and built to hold the Minotaur. Labyrinth
3. An empire of the Ancient Near East, ruling from c. 2500 BC to 600 BC. Assyria
4. A city in central Italy’s Tuscany region famous for its medieval history and early contributions to Medieval Art. Siena
5. The name of the mother of Jesus. Mary
7. First name of the artist of “Sunflowers”. Vincent
9. The primary disciples of Jesus, the central figure in Christianity. Apostles
10. The capital city of England. London


National Gallery, London - Crossword Puzzle

Answers for the National Gallery, London – Crossword Puzzle are in Bold


4. A collection of sacred texts or scriptures for Jews and Christians. Bible
7. An image of Jesus on the cross. Crucifix
8. A type of print made by carving marks onto the surface of a metal plate. Etching
10. The central figure of Christianity. Jesus
11. An ancient Greek colony on the site that later became Constantinople. Byzantium
12. A Roman goddess whose functions encompassed love, beauty, desire, sex, fertility, nudity, prosperity and victory. Venus
13. A term used by leaders the leaders of Rome to signify their status. Caesar
15. The name of the first man. Adam
16. An object offered in fulfilment of a vow. Votive


1. The woman that was bribed by the Philistines to discover the source of Sampson’s strength. Delilah
2. An artwork representing a religious subject made for placing behind the altar of a Christian church. Altarpiece
3. The body parts or personal belongings of saints preserved for purposes of commemoration or veneration. Relics
5. The most important Italian painter of the 16th-century Venetian school. Titian
6. The name of the West Wing the National Gallery of London which is a recent extension. Sainsbury
9. The name of the Square in front of the The National Gallery, London. Trafalgar
14. All the initials of a famous English painter of the 19th Century. JMWT


National Gallery, London - Crossword Puzzle

Answers for the National Gallery, London – Crossword Puzzle are in Bold


3.. A mythical creature, part man and part bull, who dwelt at the centre of the Labyrinth in Ancient Crete. Minotaur
4. A style of medieval art that developed out of Romanesque art in the 12th century AD. Gothic
7. A technique of mural painting executed upon wet lime plaster in which the picture becomes an integral part of the wall. Fresco
9. An elected chief of state in Venice during the medieval and renaissance periods. Doge
10. A Christian church which contains the seat of a bishop. Cathedral
12. The founder and first queen of Carthage. Dido
13. The Roman god of war. Mars
14. The central religious text of Islam. Quran
15. The name of the first woman. Eve


1. A 19th-century art movement. Impressionism
2. A term meaning extravagant and dramatic typified by bold, curving forms with elaborate ornamentation. Baroque
5. The legendary author of the Iliad and the Odyssey. Homer
6. The title of the leader of the worldwide Catholic Church. Pope
8. Homer’s epic poem set during the Trojan War. Iliad
11. The last name of the artist who painted “The Fighting Temeraire”. Turner
13. A large painting applied to a wall or ceiling. Mural


National Gallery, London - Crossword Puzzle

Answers for the National Gallery, London – Crossword Puzzle are in Bold


5. The area in the south of France, where Vincent van Gogh produced some of his most famous paintings. Arles
7. The daughter of Minos, the King of Crete who helped Theseus navigate the labyrinth. Ariadne
9. A historical account of facts and events ranged in chronological order. Chronicle
11. A disciple of Jesus Christ who betrayed Jesus. Judas
12. A written account of an individual’s life. Biography


1. A cultural and intellectual movement of the late 17th to late 18th centuries that emphasised reason and individualism. Enlightenment
2. A relief printing technique in printmaking. WoodCut
3. A city which was a centre of medieval European trade and is considered the birthplace of the Renaissance. Florence
4. One of Homer’s epic poem that focuses on the journey home of the King of Ithaca, after the fall of Troy. Odyssey
6. A Roman hero and god. He was the equivalent of the Greek divine hero Heracles. Hercules
7. A metaphor in which a character, place or event is used to illustrate or convey complex ideas and concepts. Allegory
8. The highest class in societies, comprising of people of noble birth, who hold hereditary titles and offices. Aristocracy
10. An artistic movement which began in 1907 by artists such as Pablo Picasso. Cubism


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26 January 2019, 07:12 | Views: 1520

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