Polish Proverbs, Quotes and Sayings

Polish Proverbs, Quotes and Sayings ~~~ What one thinks when sober, one says when drunk Polish Proverb ~~~ You become whom you befriend. Polish Prov...
Polish Quotes and Sayings

Polish Proverbs, Quotes and Sayings


“What one thinks when sober, one says when drunk”
– Polish Proverb


“You become whom you befriend.”
– Polish Proverb


“Those who argue, like each other.”
– Polish Proverb


“My home is my castle.”
– Polish Proverb


“Watch the faces of those who bow low.”
– Polish Proverb


“Poverty does not lose its virtue.”
– Polish Proverb


“Fortune favors the bold.”
– Polish Proverb


“There where a man is in a hurry, the devil has a ball.”
– Polish Proverb


“History repeats itself.”
– Polish Proverb


“Not my circus, not my monkeys.”
– Polish Proverb


Funny Polish Sayings


“Don’t divide the skin while it’s still on the bear.”
– Polish Proverb


“Don’t teach a father how to make children.”
– Polish Proverb


“To drill a hole in someone’s belly.”
– Polish Proverb


“To throw peas onto a wall.”
– Polish Proverb


“As necessary as a hole in the bridge.”
– Polish Proverb


“If the goat didn’t jump, she’d have a miserable life.”
– Polish Proverb


“Everyone judges according to themselves.”
– Polish Proverb


“Hand washes hand, leg supports leg.”
– Polish Proverb


“Watch the faces of those who bow low.”
– Polish Proverb


“The violin doesn’t play for everybody.”
– Polish Proverb


“Don’t call the wolf from the forest.”
– Polish Proverb


Polish Quotes and Sayings


“A good appetite needs no sauce.”
– Polish Quotes and Sayings


“A guest sees more in an hour than the host in a year.”
– Polish Quotes and Sayings


“What reaches the mother’s heart will only reach the father’s knees.”
– Polish Quotes and Sayings


“You can’t heal stubbornness.”
– Polish Quotes and Sayings


“Old habits die hard.”
– Polish Quotes and Sayings


“Delayed is preferable to never.”
– Polish Quotes and Sayings


“Swift help is worth more.”
– Polish Quotes and Sayings




“Better discretion than courage.”
– Polish Quotes and Sayings


“He who gives quickly gives twice.”
– Polish Quotes and Sayings


“Don’t praise the day before sunset.”
– Polish Quotes and Sayings


“A good painter need not give a name to his picture, a bad one must.”
– Polish Quotes and Sayings


“Speak well of the dead or not at all.“
– Polish Quotes and Sayings


“Where two people fight against each other, the third one wins.”
– Polish Quotes and Sayings


“The worst devil is the one who prays.”
– Polish Quotes and Sayings


“When the master has a cold the servants sneeze.”
– Polish Quotes and Sayings


“A good bargain is a pick-purse.”
– Polish Quotes and Sayings


Polish Proverbs


  • Country:                          Republic of Poland
  • Polish:                             Rzeczpospolita Polska
  • Capital:                            Warsaw
  • Language                        Polish
  • Population                       38 million

Museums in Poland

Polish Museums

  • Museums in Warsaw
    • National Museum, Warsaw
  • Museums in Kraków
    • National Museum, Kraków

Explore European Proverbs & Quotes

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  • Belgium Proverbs and Quotes
  • Serbian Proverbs and Quotes
  • Polish Proverbs and Quotes
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  • Norwegian Proverbs and Quotes

10 Polish Expressions Killed Me


“A guest sees more in an hour than the host in a year.”
– Polish Proverb


Photo Credit:  By Stolichanin [GFDL (gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html) or CC BY-SA 3.0 (creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons; Schmimi, CC BY 3.0 

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1 March 2020, 10:10 | Views: 5189

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