National Gallery, London

Please see the main page at >>>> The National Gallery, London This page is an index page. The National Gallerys collection includes over 2...
A Highlights Tour of the National Gallery, London
Explore The National Gallery
The National Gallery: A collection of 200 artworks 1
The National Gallery: A collection of 200 artworks 2
The National Gallery: A collection of 200 artworks #3
The National Gallery: A collection of 200 artworks #4
The National Gallery: A collection of 200 artworks #7
Caravaggio: His life and style in three paintings | National Gallery
The National Gallery: A collection of 200 artworks #8

The National Gallery, London

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The National Gallery’s collection includes over 2,300 paintings dating from the 13th century to the 20th century. It is one of the most visited art museums in the world, and its principal building facade facing Trafalgar Square has not changed for two-hundred years. What to see at The National Gallery and what you need to know before you visit are covered below and the various links provided.

The National Gallery came into being when the British government bought 38 paintings from the heirs of a leading patron of the arts, in 1824. After that initial purchase, the Gallery was shaped mainly by its early directors and by private donations, which comprise two-thirds of the collection. The resulting collection is comprehensive in scope, covering most significant developments in Western Painting.

A Highlights Tour of the National Gallery, London

13th Century Paintings

  • “The Virgin and Child Enthroned, with Narrative Scenes” by Margarito d’Arezzo – 1264
  • “The Virgin and Child” by Master of the Clarisse – 1268
  • “Crucifix” by Master of Saint Francis – 1270

14th Century Paintings

  • Wilton Diptych – 1395
  • “The Annunciation” by Duccio – 1311
  • “The Healing of the Man Born Blind” by Duccio – 1311

15th Century Paintings

  • “Portrait of a Man in a Turban” by Jan van Eyck – 1433
  • “Arnolfini Portrait” by Jan van Eyck –  1434
  • “The Battle of San Romano” by Paolo Uccello– 1440
  • “Venus and Mars” by Sandro Botticelli – 1483
  • “Portrait of Doge Leonardo Loredan” by Giovanni Bellini– 1501

16th Century Paintings

  • “Mystic Nativity” by Sandro Botticelli – 1550
  • “Virgin of the Rocks” by Leonardo da Vinci – 1506
  • “The Madonna of the Pinks” by Raphael – 1507
  • “The Raising of Lazarus” by Sebastiano del Piombo– 1519
  • “Salvator Mundi” by Andrea Previtali – 1519
  • “Bacchus and Ariadne” by Titian – 1523
  • “Leda and the Swan” after Michelangelo – 1530
  • “The Ambassadors” by Hans Holbein the Younger – 1533
  • “Mary Magdalene” by Girolamo Savoldo – 1540
  • “Allegory of Time Governed by Prudence” by Titian – 1550
  • “Saint George and the Dragon” by Tintoretto – 1558
  • “Diana and Callisto” by Titian – 1559
  • “Venus and Adonis” by Titian – 1565
  • “The Family of Darius before Alexander” by Paolo Veronese – 1567
  • “Diana and Actaeon” by Titian – 1569
  • “The Rape of Europa” by Paolo Veronese – 1570
  • “The Death of Actaeon” by Titian – 1575
  • “The Origin of the Milky Way” by Tintoretto – 1575

17th Century Paintings

  • “Supper at Emmaus” by Caravaggio – 1601
  • “Samson and Delilah” by Peter Paul Rubens – 1610
  • “Christ in the House of Martha and Mary” by Diego Velázquez – 1618
  • “The Judgement of Paris” by Peter Paul Rubens – 1635
  • “Belshazzar’s Feast” by Rembrandt – 1635-1638
  • “Aurora abducting Cephalus” by Peter Paul Rubens – 1637
  • “Equestrian Portrait of Charles I” by Anthony van Dyck – 1638
  • “Triple Portrait of Cardinal de Richelieu” by Philippe de Champaigne – 1642
  • “The Woman Taken in Adultery” by Rembrandt – 1644
  • “Venus at her Mirror” by Diego Velázquez – 1651
  • “The Courtyard of a House in Delft” by Pieter de Hooch – 1658
  • “Self Portrait at the Age of 63″ by Rembrandt – 1669
  • “A Young Woman standing at a Virginal” by Johannes Vermeer – 1670

18th Century Paintings

  • “Bacchus and Ariadne” by Sebastiano Ricci – 1713
  • “A Regatta on the Grand Canal” by Canaletto – 1740
  • “Mr. and Mrs. Andrews” by Thomas Gainsborough – 1749
  • “Eton College” by Canaletto – 1754
  • “An Experiment on a Bird in the Air Pump” by Joseph Wright of Derby – 1768
  • “Self-portrait in a Straw Hat” by Louise Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun – 1782

19th Century Paintings

  • “Portrait of Doña Isabel de Porcel” by Francisco Goya – 1805
  • “The Emperor Napoleon I” by Horace Vernet – 1815
  • “Dido Building Carthage” by J. M. W. Turner – 1815
  • “Salisbury Cathedral from the Meadows” by John Constable – 1831
  • “The Execution of Lady Jane Grey” by Paul Delaroche – 1833
  • “The Fighting Temeraire” by Joseph Mallord William Turner – 1839
  • “Rain, Steam, and Speed – The Great Western Railway” by J. M. W. Turner – 1844
  • “Cimabue’s Celebrated Madonna is carried in Procession through the Streets of Florence” by Frederic Leighton – 1855
  • “Madame Moitessier” by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres– 1856
  • “Ovid among the Scythians” by Eugène Delacroix – 1859
  • “The Execution of Emperor Maximilian of Mexico, June 19, 1867” by  Édouard Manet – 1867
  • “The Beheading of St John the Baptist” by Pierre Puvis de Chavannes – 1869
  • “Bathers at La Grenouillère” by Claude Monet – 1869
  • “The Gare St-Lazare” by Claude Monet – 1877
  • “Bathers at Asnières” by Georges Seurat – 1884
  • “Sunflowers” by Vincent van Gogh – 1888
  • “Van Gogh’s Chair” by Vincent van Gogh – 1888
  • “Tiger in a Tropical Storm” by Henri Rousseau – 1891
  • “After the Bath, Woman Drying Herself” by Edgar Degas – 1895
  • “Boulevard Montmartre at Night” by Camille Pissarro – 1898

20th Century Paintings

  • “Misia Sert” by Pierre-Auguste Renoir –  1904
  • “Portrait of Hermine Gallia” by Gustav Klimt – 1904
  • Bathers (Les Grandes Baigneuses) by  Paul Cézanne – 1905
  • “Men of the Docks” by George Bellows –  1912
  • “Water-Lilies” by Claude Monet (National Gallery, London) – 1916

Explore The National Gallery

  • The National Gallery
  • Masterpieces of The National Gallery
  • The National Gallery, London – Crossword Puzzles

The National Gallery: A collection of 200 artworks – 1

The National Gallery: A collection of 200 artworks – 2

The National Gallery: A collection of 200 artworks #3

The National Gallery: A collection of 200 artworks #4

The National Gallery: A collection of 200 artworks #7

Caravaggio: His life and style in three paintings | National Gallery

The National Gallery: A collection of 200 artworks #8


“A country that has few museums is both materially poor and spiritually poor …
museums, like theatres and libraries, are a means to freedom.”
– Wendy Beckett


Photo Credfavourstograph by Mike Peel ( [CC BY-SA 4.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

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24 June 2019, 04:21 | Views: 2751

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