Museum Masterpieces and Historical Objects

List of Masterpieces and Historical Artifacts Below are some of the Masterpieces and Historical Artifacts covered by Joy of Museums (Dates are approxi...

Birth of Venus Botticelli

List of Masterpieces and Historical Artifacts

Below are some of the Masterpieces and Historical Artifacts covered by “Joy of Museums (Dates are approximate for the purposes of indexing by date):

  1. Giant Wombat Skull – 80,000 BC
  2. Clovis Projectile Point – 11,000 BC
  3. Cycladic Pyxis – 3,200 BC
  4. Narmer Palette – 3,100 BC
  5. The Stargazer – 3,000 BC
  6. Cycladic Figurine – 2,700 BC
  7. Cycladic Footed Cup – 2,700 BC
  8. Cycladic Figures – 2,500 BC
  9. Dancing Girl (Mohenjo-Daro) – 2,500 BC
  10. Egyptian Stela Fragment – 2,350 BC
  11. Li – Chinese Tripod Jar – 2,300 BC
  12. Priam’s Treasure Necklace – 2,200 BC
  13. Treasure from Troy – 2,200 BC
  14. Priam’s Treasure – 2,200 BC
  15. Gudea, Prince of Lagash – 2,120 BC
  16. Statue of Gudea – 2,142 BC
  17. Mummified Thylacine Head – 2,000 BC
  18. Law Code of Hammurabi – 1,750 BC
  19. Sumerian Cone or Clay Nail – 1,720 BC
  20. Mask of Agamemnon – 1,500 B.C.
  21. The Sphinx of Hatshepsut – 1,470 BC
  22. The Goddess Sekhmet – 1,390-1352 BC
  23. Relief Portrait of Akhenaten – 1,340 BC
  24. Akhenaten and Nefertiti with their Children – 1,340 BC
  25. Nefertiti Bust – 1,345 BC
  26. Standing Figure of Nefertiti – 1,345 BC
  27. Tutankhamun’s Mask – 1,323 BC
  28. Houmuwu Ding – 1,300 BC
  29. Merneptah Stele – 1,208 BC
  30. Capitoline Wolf – 1,150 BC
  31. Relief of a Winged Genius – 880 BC
  32. Jar Handles with Judean “Royal Stamp” – 800 BC
  33. Siloam Inscription – 700 BC
  34. Shawabti of King Senkamanisken – 643 BC
  35. The Lion Hunt – 640 BC
  36. Greek “Illyrian type” Helmet – 600 BC
  37. Statue of a Kouros – 580 BC
  38. Ishtar Gate – 575 BC
  39. Head of Bearded Man (Cypriot) – 550 BC
  40. Peplos Kore – 530 BC
  41. Head of a Cypriot Herakles (Hercules) – 500 BC
  42. Tabnit Sarcophagus – 500 BC
  43. Charioteer of Delphi – 470 BC
  44. Kleroterion – 470 BC
  45. Artemision Bronze – 460 BC
  46. Lekythos with Woman – 450 BC
  47. The Parthenon Marbles – 440 BC
  48. Goddess with Diadem – 430 BC
  49. Caryatids of Erechtheum – 420 BC
  50. Macedonian Army Helmet – 400BC
  51. Gravestone for Theophile – 400 BC
  52. Apollo the Python-Slayer – 400 BC
  53. Antikythera Youth – 330 BC
  54. Fish Plate – 320 BC
  55. Myrtle Wreath – 300 BC
  56. The Alexander Sarcophagus – 300 BC
  57. Figurine of a Dancer – 250 BC
  58. Torso of Hermes – 200 BC
  59. Statue of Asklepios – 200 BC
  60. Boy with Thorn – 200 BC
  61. Dying Gaul – 230 BC (Greek Original)
  62. The Winged Victory of Samothrace – 200 BC
  63. Laocoön and His Sons – 200 BC (Greek Original)
  64. The Rosetta Stone – 196 BC
  65. The Pergamon Altar – 150 BC
  66. Jockey of Artemision – 150 BC
  67. Cult Statue Head of Diana – 125 BC
  68. Antikythera Mechanism – 100 BC
  69. The Jade Burial Suit – 100 BC
  70. Wine Transport Amphoras -100 BC
  71. The Temple of Dendur – 10
  72. Marble Portrait of Agrippina the Elder – 38
  73. Gandhara Buddha – 100
  74. Seated Buddha from Gandhara – 100
  75. Buddha – 200
  76. The Market Gate of Miletus – 150
  77. The Emperor as Philosopher, Marcus Aurelius – 190
  78. Marble head of Emperor Caracalla – 215
  79. Herm of Herakles and Hermes – 250
  80. Colossus of Constantine – 313
  81. Greenstone Mask – 500
  82. Portraits of Periodical Offering of Liang – 500 (original) – 1000 (copy)
  83. Treasure of Guarrazar – 587
  84. The Sutton Hoo Ship Burial – 600
  85. Monymusk Reliquary – 750
  86. Hilton of Cadboll Stone – 800
  87. Mayan Altar – 830
  88. The Family of Shiva – 850
  89. Dancing Ganesha – 910
  90. Apsara – 950
  91. Bhairava – 950
  92. Shiva as the Lord of Dance – 950
  93. Nataraja – 1100
  94. Hanuman – 1150
  95. Somaskanda – 1200
  96. The Heads of the Kings of Judah -1230
  97. Moa Skeleton – 1300
  98. Canoe Bailer – Tiheru – 1300
  99. Vajradhara and Prajna – 1400
  100. South Island Adzebill – 1400
  101. “Crucifixion Diptych” by Rogier van der Weyden – 1460
  102. “Ginevra de’ Benci” by Leonardo da Vinci – 1474–8
  103. “The Story of Lucretia” by Sandro Botticelli – 1496–1504
  104. Walking Buddha -1500
  105. The Lady and the Unicorn Tapestries – 1500
  106. Haast’s Eagle – 1500
  107. “The Mona Lisa” by Leonardo da Vinci – 1503
  108. “Small Cowper Madonna” by Raphael – 1505
  109. “Madonna of the Meadow” by Raphael. – 1505
  110. “The Alba Madonna” by Raphael – 1510
  111. “School of Athens” by Raffaello – 1511
  112. “Sistine Chapel Ceiling” by Michelangelo – 1512
  113. “Bacchus and Ariadne” by Titian – 1522–23
  114. “The Rape of Europa” by Titian – 1560-62
  115. “The Tower of Babel” by Pieter Brueghel – 1563
  116. The Great Bed of Ware -1590
  117. Mariner’s Astrolabe from the Vergulde Draeck – 1600
  118. “The Taking of Christ” by Caravaggio – 1602
  119. “The Laughing Cavalier” by Frans Hals – 1624
  120. Batavia Timbers – 1628
  121. “The Raising of Lazarus” by Rembrandt – 1630-1632
  122. “A Dance to the Music of Time” by Nicolas Poussin – 1634-1635
  123. “Magdalene with the Smoking Flame” by Georges de La Tour – 1640
  124. Ptolemy’s View of the Solar System – 1660
  125. “The Concert” by Johannes Vermeer (stolen in 1990) -1664
  126. Ship Model -The Dutch Galliot ‘t Weseltje – 1695
  127. The de Vlamingh Plate – 1697
  128. Cannon from the Endeavour – 1750
  129. “A Young Girl Reading” by Jean-Honoré Fragonard – 1770
  130. Shield of Maharana Sangram Singh II – 1730
  131. “The Grand Canal in Venice …..” by Canaletto – 1738
  132. Inn Sign – The “General Wolfe” Tavern – 1768
  133. George Washington’s War Tent – 1776
  134. Aboriginal Shields -1800
  135. Maori Pātaka or Storehouse Panels – 1800
  136. Portrait of Doña Antonia Zárate (National Gallery of Ireland) – 1805
  137. Maori Pare – Lintel from a Maori Meeting House – 1810
  138. “Portrait of Doña Antonia Zárate” by Francisco Goya – 1810 – 11
  139. The Three Graces by Antonio Canova (Hermitage Museum) – 1813 – 1816
  140. “The Three Graces” at the V&A by Antonio Canova – 1813 – 1816
  141. “The Burning of the Houses of Lords and Commons by J. M. W. Turner – 1835
  142. “The Fighting Temeraire” by J.M.W. Turner – 1839
  143. “Modern Rome – Campo Vaccino” by J.M.W. Turner – 1839
  144. American Whaleboat ‘Beetle’ – 1840
  145. Convict Leave Pass – 1843
  146. Main Cell Block at Fremantle Prison – 1850
  147. Shadow Puppet – Rama – 1850
  148. Houses on The Terrace at Fremantle Prison – 1853
  149. Fremantle Prison Gatehouse – 1854
  150. “Farmyard in Normandy” by by Claude Monet – 1863
  151. “A Cart on the Snowy Road at Honfleur” by Claude Monet – 1865
  152. Aboriginal King Plate of Billie Hippie – 1870
  153. Adam by Auguste Rodin – 1870
  154. “The Basin at Argenteuil” by Claude Monet -1872
  155. “Paris Street, Rainy Day” by Gustave Caillebotte – 1877
  156. “Dance at Le Moulin de la Galette” by Pierre-Auguste Renoir – 1876
  157. “The Thinker” by Rodin – 1880 – 81
  158. “Dance at Bougival” by Auguste Renoir – 1883
  159. “Cymon and Iphigenia” – Frederic Leighton – 1884
  160. “A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte.” by Georges Seurat – 1884 – 86
  161. “The Large Bathers” or “Les Grandes Baigneuses” by Auguste Renoir – 1884–1887
  162. “Breaking the News” by John Longstaff – 1887
  163. The Gallows Room at Fremantle Prison – 1888
  164. “Three Dancers at a Dance Class” by Edgar Degas – 1888
  165. “Sunflowers” by Vincent van Gogh – 1888
  166. “The Starry Night Over the Rhône” by Vincent van Gogh – 1888
  167. “Down on his Luck” by Frederick McCubbin – 1889
  168. “Portrait of the Postman Joseph Roulin” by Vincent van Gogh – 1889
  169. “The Starry Night” by Vincent van Gogh – 1889
  170. “Irises” by Vincent van Gogh“Irises” by Vincent van Gogh – 1889
  171. Australian Aboriginal Shields – 1890
  172. Aboriginal Message Stick – 1890
  173. Coolamons and Aboriginal Carrying Vessels – 1890
  174. “White House at Night” by Vincent van Gogh -1890
  175. “The Card Players” by Paul Cézanne – 1890 – 1892
  176. “Shearing the Rams” by Tom Roberts – 1890
  177. “At the Moulin Rouge, The Dance” by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec – 1890
  178. “Bailed Up” by Tom Roberts – 1895
  179. Naturalization Certificate, William Bantry, 1896 – 1896
  180. Coptic Pendant Crosses – 1900
  181. ” Mrs. Fiske Warren and Her Daughter Rachel” by John Singer Sargent – 1903
  182. “Under the Jacaranda” by R Godfrey Rivers – 1903
  183. The Wright Flyer – 1903
  184. “The Pioneer” by Frederick McCubbin – 1904
  185. “Bathing Hour” (L’Heure de Bain) by E Phillips Fox – 1909
  186. ‘White Australia’ Song Sheet Music, 1910 – 1910
  187. Antarctic Sledges – 1910
  188. Gallipoli Lifeboat from the SS Devanha -1915
  189. Carpentaria – Light Ship – 1917
  190. Thylacine Skeleton (Tasmanian Tiger) – 1920
  191. “Reflections of Clouds on the Water-Lily Pond” by Claude Monet – 1920
  192. Forceful – Tugboat – 1925
  193. Avro Avian, G-EBOV – 1926
  194. The Spirit of St. Louis – 1927
  195. External Architecture & Design of the Shrine -1934
  196. “Figure with Snow Falling” by Takahashi Hiroaki – 1940
  197. “Figure with Parasol, Protect against Snow” by Takahashi Hiroaki – 1940
  198. Changi Flag – 1941
  199. “Nighthawks” by Edward Hopper – 1942
  200. General Douglas MacArthur’s GHQ Office in Australia – 1942
  201. USS Cod – 1943
  202. HMAS Diamantina – 1944
  203. Spitfire LA198 – 1944
  204. Platypus Nest – 1950
  205. HMAS Vampire (D11) – 1959
  206. HMAS Ovens – 1967
  207. HMAS Onslow – 1969
  208. Concorde SST – 1969
  209. Apollo 11 Command Module – 1969
  210. Ikara Missile – 1970
  211. Skylab 3 Apollo Command Module – 1973
  212. Space Shuttle Enterprise – 1976
  213. Australia II – 1982
  214. Ella’s Pink Lady – 1984
  215. Parry Endeavour – 1985
  216. Megamouth Shark – 1988
  217. Freedom – Atlantic Rowing Race Boat – 2000
  218. Giant Squid – 2004
  219. One Tonne Gold Coin – 2011
  • Masterpieces of the Museum of Modern Art, NYC
  • Masterpieces of Queen’s Gallery, Buckingham Palace
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  • Masterpieces & Historic Objects of the Art Gallery of Ontario
  • Masterpieces of the Gemäldegalerie, Berlin
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  • Masterpieces of the National Museum, New Delhi
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  • Masterpieces of the Art Gallery of NSW
  • The Masterpieces of the National Gallery of Australia
  • Masterpieces of The Pergamon Museum


“Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe.”
– H.G. Wells


Photo Credit:Sandro Botticelli [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

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10 April 2019, 09:00 | Views: 9080

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