Israeli Proverbs, Quotes, and Sayings

Israeli Proverbs, Quotes, and Sayings ~~~ When youre hungry, sing; when youre hurt, laugh. Israeli Proverb ~~~ A pessimist, confronted with two bad c...
Jewish Proverbs Expressions and Sayings
Israel Museums
Judaism Quotes and Sayings
A Tour of World-Wide Proverbs and Quotes
Hebrew Proverbs
Jewish Proverbs

Israeli Proverbs, Quotes, and Sayings


“When you’re hungry, sing; when you’re hurt, laugh.”
– Israeli Proverb


“A pessimist, confronted with two bad choices, chooses both.”
– Israeli Proverb


“A slave shows his true character, not while he is enslaved but when he becomes a master.”
– Israeli Proverb


“Ask about your neighbors, then buy the house.”
– Israeli Proverb


“God could not be everywhere, and therefore he made mothers.”
– Israeli Proverb


“He who puts up with insult invites injury.”
– Israeli Proverb


“If you can’t go over, you must go under.”
– Israeli Proverb


“In choosing a friend, go up a step.”
– Israeli Proverb


“Time heals old pain, while it creates new ones.”
– Israeli Proverb


“People make plans and God laughs.”
– Israeli Proverb


“Commit a sin twice and it will not seem a crime.”
– Israeli Proverb


“Where two Jews, three opinions.”
– Israeli Proverb


“You can’t force anyone to love you or lend you money.”
– Israeli Proverb


“Loneliness breaks the spirit.”
– Israeli Proverb


“A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones..”
– Israeli Proverb


“Worries go down better with soup.”
– Israeli Proverb


Israeli Proverbs, Quotes, and Sayings

Jewish Proverbs Expressions and Sayings


“A basic rule of caution: Don’t be overly cautious.”
– Jewish Proverb / Saying


“A broken nail cannot be straightened.”
– Jewish Proverb / Saying


“A fault-finder complains even that the bride is too pretty.”
– Jewish Proverb / Saying


“A good wife and health are a man’s best wealth.”
– Jewish Proverb / Saying


“A leader is not necessarily one who knows the way but one who thinks he knows the way.”
– Jewish Proverb / Saying


“A person should stay alive if only out of curiosity.”
– Jewish Proverb / Saying


“A time to keep silent and a time to speak.”
– Jewish Proverb / Saying


“A wolf loses his hair, but not his nature.”
– Jewish Proverb / Saying


“A nation’s future lies in its past.”
– Hebrew Proverb / Saying


“A heavy purse makes a light heart.”
– Hebrew Proverb / Saying


“A fool believes everything he hears.”
– Hebrew Proverb / Saying


“A drowning man will grab even for the point of a sword.”
– Hebrew Proverb / Saying


“A bird that you set free may be caught again.”
– Hebrew Proverb / Saying


Black People Guess Jewish Slang

Israel Museums

  • Country:         Israel
  • Hebrew:         יִשְׂרָאֵל;
  • Capital:          Jerusalem
  • Declared:       1948
  • Demonym:     Israeli
  • Population:    9 million

Israeli Language

Hebrew is Israel’s official language, and almost the entire population speaks it either as native speakers or as a second language. Arabic is used by Israel’s Arab minority which comprises about one-fifth of the population. 

Russian is spoken by about 20% of the Israeli population, mainly by the large immigrant population from the former Soviet Union.

English is used by a significant proportion of the Israeli population and is used widely in official logos and road signs alongside Hebrew and Arabic. 

Museums in Israel – Map

Virtual Tour of the Israel Museums

  • The Israel Museum, Jerusalem

Judaism Quotes and Sayings

A Tour of World-Wide Proverbs and Quotes

  • Proverbs and Quotes
  • American Proverbs and Quotes
  • English Proverbs and Quotes
  • Scottish Proverbs and Quotes
  • Welsh Proverbs and Quotes
  • Irish Proverbs and Quotes
  • French Proverbs and Quotes
  • Italian Proverbs and Quotes
  • Greek Proverbs and Quotes
  • German Proverbs and Quotes
  • Austrian Proverbs and Quotes
  • Irish Quotes Proverbs and Sayings
  • Dutch Proverbs and Quotes

Hebrew Proverbs

  • Spanish Proverbs and Quotes
  • Belgium Proverbs and Quotes
  • Serbian Proverbs and Quotes
  • Polish Proverbs and Quotes
  • Swiss Proverbs and Quotes
  • Czech Proverbs and Quotes
  • Norwegian Proverbs and Quotes
  • Russian Proverbs and Quotes
  • Chinese Proverbs and Quotes
  • Australian Proverbs and Quotes
  • Australian Aboriginal Sayings and Quotes
  • Mexican Proverbs & Quotes
  • Colombian Proverbs & Quotes
  • Brazilian Proverbs & Quotes
  • Argentine Proverbs & Quotes

Psalms 104 sung in ancient Hebrew

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  • Japanese Proverbs & Quotes
  • Korean Proverbs & Quotes
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  • Israeli Proverbs & Quotes

Book of Proverbs

A Tour of Middle East Museums

  • Arab Republic of Egyptian Museums
    • Cairo Museums
      • Egyptian Museum
  • Turkey Museums
    •  Istanbul Museums
      • İstanbul Archaeology Museums
      • Topkapı Palace
  • Iran Museums
    • Tehran Museums
      • Reza Abbasi Museum
  • United Arab Emirates Museums
    • Dubai Museums
      • Dubai Museum
      • Saeed Al Maktoum House
    • Sharjah Museums
      • Sharjah Museum of Islamic Civilization
  • Israel Museums
    • The Israel Museum, Jerusalem

Jewish Proverbs


“When you’re hungry, sing; when you’re hurt, laugh.”
– Israeli Proverb


Photo Credit: Golasso / CC BY-SA (; Michael Paul Gollmer de:Benutzer:Mipago / CC BY-SA (

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6 March 2020, 07:33 | Views: 7824

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