Irish Proverbs and Quotes

Irish Proverbs and Quotes Irish Proverbs are a traditional and straightforward saying that expresses a truth based on common sense or experience. Some...
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Irish Proverbs and Quotes

Irish Proverbs are a traditional and straightforward saying that expresses a truth based on common sense or experience.

Some Irish proverbs exist in more than one language because people share with cultures similar to theirs.

The popularity of Irish proverbs is due to the universality of their meaning.


“There is only one thing worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about.”


“There is no luck except where there is discipline.”


“Lose an hour in the morning, and you’ll be looking for it all day.”


“Pity him who makes an opinion a certainty.”


“A questioning man is halfway to being wise.”


“A little fire that warms is better than a big fire that burns.


“Who keeps his tongue keeps his friends.”


” The well-fed person doesn’t understand the hungry one.”


“A wren in hand is better than a crane to be caught.”


“A good word never broke a tooth.”


“Sense does not come before age.”


“The light heart lives long.”


“There’s not a wise man without fault.”


“Many a time, a man’s mouth broke his nose.”


“Hindsight is the best insight to foresight.”


“He who loses money loses much; he who loses a friend loses more; he who loses faith loses all.”


“Every eye forms its own fancy.”


“When a twig grows hard, it is difficult to twist it. Every beginning is weak.”


“From the day you marry, your heart will be in your mouth and your hand in your pocket.”


“What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.”


“Every person is sociable until a cow invades their garden.”


“The work praises the man.”


“A good retreat is better than a bad stand.”


“There’s no need to fear the wind if your haystacks are tied down.”


“Better to be fortunate than rich.”


“Hunger is a good sauce.”


“Experience is the comb that life gives a bald man.”


“Where the tongue slips, it speaks the truth.”


“Lose an hour in the morning and you’ll be looking for it all day.”


“Pity him who makes an opinion a certainty.”


“Who keeps his tongue keeps his friends.”


” Here’s health to your enemies’ enemies!”


“May the road rise to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face.
And rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.”


“Health and long life to you.
Land without rent to you.
A child every year to you.
And if you can’t go to heaven,
May you at least die in Ireland.”


“May the roof above us never fall in.
And may the friends gathered below it never fall out.”


‘Tis better to buy a small bouquet
And give to your friend this very day,
Than a bushel of roses white and red
To lay on his coffin after he’s dead.”



“May you live as long as you want and never want as long as you live.”


“May the hinges of our friendship never grow rusty.”


“May the wind always be at your back.”


“God made time, but man made haste.”


“If you’re lucky enough to be Irish… You’re lucky enough!”


“God’s help is nearer than the door.”


“A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor’s book.”


“May you be at the gates of heaven an hour before the devil knows you’re dead!”


“The longest road out is the shortest road home.”


“If your messenger is slow, go to meet him.”


“No time for health today, no health for your time tomorrow.”


“Say a little and say it well.”


‘Here’s health to your enemies’ enemies!”


Irish Museums

  • Dublin Museums
    • National Gallery of Ireland

Explore European Proverbs & Quotes

  • French Proverbs and Quotes
  • Italian Proverbs and Quotes
  • Greek Proverbs and Quotes
  • German Proverbs and Quotes
  • Austrian Proverbs and Quotes
  • Irish Quotes Proverbs and Sayings
  • Dutch Proverbs and Quotes
  • Spanish Proverbs and Quotes
  • Belgium Proverbs and Quotes
  • Serbian Proverbs and Quotes
  • Polish Proverbs and Quotes
  • Swiss Proverbs and Quotes
  • Czech Proverbs and Quotes
  • Norwegian Proverbs and Quotes


  • Country:                              Republic of Ireland
  • Irish:                                    Éire
  • Capital:                                Dublin
  • Population:                          6.4 million

Map of Ireland


“May the wind always be at your back.”
– Irish Proverb


Photo Credit: Eckhard Pecher [CC BY 2.5 (]

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28 March 2020, 03:20 | Views: 3551

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