Indonesian Proverbs, Quotes, and Sayings

Indonesian Proverbs, Quotes, and Sayings ~~~ An empty drum makes the loudest sound. Indonesian Proverb ~~~ Calm water does not mean there are no croc...
Indonesian Expressions and Sayings
Indonesian Proverbs

Indonesian Proverbs, Quotes, and Sayings


“An empty drum makes the loudest sound.”
– Indonesian Proverb


“Calm water does not mean there are no crocodiles.”
– Indonesian Proverb


“Diligence is the beginning of brilliance.”
– Indonesian Proverb


“Goodness shouts. Evil whispers.”
– Indonesian Proverb


“Head can be heated, but the heart must stay cool.”
– Indonesian Proverb


“Once the rice is pudding, it’s too late to reclaim the rice.”
– Indonesian Proverb


“Playing with water, wet. Playing with fire, burned.”
– Indonesian Proverb


“The laughter of someone pining for his beloved is like that of someone who is always crying.”
– Indonesian Proverb


“Different fields have different insects; different ponds have different fish.”
– Indonesian Proverb


“No matter how good a squirrel can jump, it will fall eventually.”
– Indonesian Proverb


“The firm tree does not fear the storm.”
– Indonesian Proverb


“Better one bird in the hand than 10 birds on the tree.”
– Indonesian Proverb


“Rippling water shows a lack of depth.”
– Indonesian Proverb


“People seek out big shots as flies seek out the elephant’s tail.”
– Indonesian Proverb


“Once a person cheats, forever, people will distrust him.”
– Indonesian Proverb


“It can be, because of regular training and practice.”
– Indonesian Proverb


“Expecting something bigger, and we let go of what we already have.”
– Indonesian Proverb


“Death is the bride of life.”
– Indonesian Proverb


“Beware, the enemy lies under your blanket.”
– Indonesian Proverb


“Before you let your voice be heard, first lick your lips.”
– Indonesian Proverb


“With willingness, there is a possibility.”
– Indonesian Proverb


Indonesian Proverbs, Quotes, and Sayings

Indonesian Expressions and Sayings


“One thing or the other is basically the same.”
– Indonesian Expression and Saying


“Neighbor’s grass is always greener.”
– Indonesian Expression and Saying


“There is a shrimp behind a rock.”
– Indonesian Expression and Saying


“The mills of God grind slowly but surely.”
– Indonesian Expression and Saying


“There is s snake under the grass.”
– Indonesian Expression and Saying


“Life is what you make of it.”
– Indonesian Expression and Saying


“Barking dogs never bite.”
– Indonesian Expression and Saying


“A good marksman may miss.”
– Indonesian Expression and Saying


“A bad workman blames his tools.”
– Indonesian Expression and Saying


“Like a peanut who forgets its shell.”
– Indonesian Expression and Saying


“Because one dot of indigo (color), the milk is ruined.”
– Indonesian Expression and Saying


“One clap two flies.”
– Indonesian Expression and Saying


Indonesian Proverbs, Quotes, and Sayings


  • Country:             Republic of Indonesia
  • Indonesian:        Republik Indonesia
  • Capital:              Jakarta
  • Population:        261 million

Indonesian Language

Indonesian is a standardized variety of Malay, an Austronesian language that has been used as the common language in the multilingual Indonesian archipelago for centuries. The Indonesian name for the language is “Bahasa.”

Indonesia is the fourth most populous nation globally, which makes it one of the most widely spoken languages in the world.

Most Indonesians are also fluent in at least one of the more than 700 indigenous local languages such as Javanese, Sundanese, or Balinese, commonly used at home and within the local community.

Indonesian has about 43 million native speakers and 155 million second-language speakers, who speak it alongside their local mother tongue. It is common as a first language in urban areas and a second language for Indonesia’s rural parts.

In Australia, Indonesian is one of three Asian target languages, together with Japanese and Mandarin. Indonesian has been taught in Australian schools and universities since the 1950s.

Indonesian Proverbs and English Equivalent

Museums in Indonesia – Map 

Indonesian Museums


  • National Museum of Indonesia
  • Jakarta History Museum

JAKARTA Travel Guide

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Indonesian Proverbs

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How to Speak Englonesian – The Indonesian-English Hybrid Language

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The Worlds Greatest Proverbs – Ancient Wisdom

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  • Indonesian Museums
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Indonesian Proverbs about Life


“Goodness shouts. Evil whispers.”
– Indonesian Proverb


Photo Credit: Riza Nugraha ? from Utrecht, The Netherlands / CC BY (; Gunawan Kartapranata / CC BY-SA (; Rizky Maharani / CC BY-SA (

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16 July 2020, 00:33 | Views: 4664

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