Facts About Rainbows

Top 10 Facts About Rainbows Rainbows, like sh...
Top 10 Facts About Rainbows
5 Fun Facts About Rainbows
5 Interesting Facts About Rainbows

Top 10 Facts About Rainbows

Rainbows, like shooting stars and the Northern Lights, are awe-inspiring acts of Mother Nature.  These facts about Rainbows are considered one of nature’s most special gifts, and numerous paintings and images of them have been created.

5 Fun Facts About Rainbows

Check out given below 10 colourful & wonderful facts about rainbows that will make your day pleasant and you will get to know more about them.

1. Rainbows form when sunlight, which includes all visible light wavelengths and appears as white light when combined, pinballs in and out of water droplets (usually rain, but sometimes water spray, or the droplets that form mist or fog).

Fun Facts About RainbowsImage Source: pixabay

2. A person standing next to you is in a slightly different position and perceives the rainbow differently due to the different raindrops they see.

3. The Greeks used the word “iris” to describe any coloured circle, such as the iris of the eye or a peacock’s tail spot. The iris flower, the chemical iridium, and the term “iridescent” are all names derived from the goddess of the rainbow.

4. Another fact about rainbows is that because of the snow, you are less likely to witness a rainbow in the winter.

A rainbow is formed when light passes over a spectrum, which is usually a group of raindrops and is split up and refracted into various colours.

During the winter, however, temperatures in the upper atmosphere dip below freezing, turning raindrops into snow.

This inhibits light from flowing through the drop (or snowflake) and prevents a rainbow from appearing.

5. Rainbows contain all seven hues that are produced by light. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet are the hues used.

The acronym, VIBGYOR is a perfect way to learn the order of colors.

Fun Facts About RainbowImage Source: pixabay

5 Interesting Facts About Rainbows

1. While rainbows often appear to be arching, you’d suppose they have a beginning and an end. This is not the case. Rainbows are entire circles with no beginning or end.

Interesting Facts About RainbowsImage Source: unsplash

Only a portion of the rainbow is visible because we generally see rainbows from the ground. You might be able to view a rainbow full circle if you observe it from the skies, such as from an aeroplane.

2. The largest rainbow ever seen lasted nearly 9 hours. A rainbow is visible for less than an hour on average. However, in 2017, students and teachers at the Chinese Culture University in Taipei, Taiwan, witnessed a rainbow that lasted for 8 hours and 58 minutes, from 6:57 a.m. to 3:55 p.m.

The previous record for the longest-lasting rainbow was set in 1994 above Sheffield, England. The rainbow lasted from roughly 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., according to the Guinness Book of World Records.

3. Rainbows have nothing to do with fire rainbows. (Or, for that matter, with fire.) Circumhorizontal arcs, as they are more precisely named, appear horizontally and are another result of high-altitude ice crystals refracting light.

Rainbows factsImage Source: pexels

Norse mythology’s burning rainbow bridge should not be confused with fire rainbows. That rainbow, known as Bifröst, connected the mortal and divine worlds. Worthy spirits would cross it into Valhalla after death.

4. Rainbows can appear in mist, fog, sea spray, waterfalls, and wherever in the sky where the light hits the water and the angles are favourable. There are also rare moonbows, which are created at night by the moon’s light but appear white to our eyes. This is an excellent time to search for unicorns.

5. The word “Rainbow” is derived from the Latin word “arcus pluvius,” which refers to a “rainy arch.” It is called rainbow because its shape looks like an archer’s bow. It is the universal symbol of peace and harmony and also renewed hope.

Thank you for reading these 10 wonderful facts about Rainbows. If you think we missed out on any facts then please do add them in the comments section. And keep reading 215mag blogs for more content.

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30 December 2022, 18:17 | Views: 2497

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