Facts About Physics

Top 10 Facts About Physics Physics helps us co...
Top 10 Facts About Physics
5 Interesting Facts About Physics
5 Fun Facts About Physics

Top 10 Facts About Physics

Physics helps us comprehend how the world around us works from can openers, light bulbs, and mobile phones to muscles, lungs, and brains; from paintings, piccolos, and pirouettes to cameras, cars, and cathedrals; and from earthquakes, tsunamis, and storms to quarks, DNA, and black holes. Read below the Top 10 Facts about Physics that will make you a pro in science.

5 Interesting Facts About Physics

Read Top 5 Interesting Facts about Physics to help you appreciate science even more.

1. Light is bent by our sun. The course of a beam of light is not perfectly straight when it is affected by gravity. As a result, if a ray of light from a distant star comes close enough to our sun, it bends slightly around it. The result is that we perceive stars in places other than where they are truly located.

2. It’s interesting fact about physics to note that the word “Physics” is derived from the Greek phrase “knowledge of nature.” It is one of the earliest branches of study, having been discovered by Greeks about 650 BC.

5 Facts About PhysicsImage Source: pixabay

3. Uranus is the only planet in our solar system that rolls on its side like a barrel, whereas Venus spins in the opposite manner adding to facts about physics.

4. We are electrical creatures. Positive and negative charges exist throughout our bodies, sending messages along with our nervous system, regulating our heartbeat, and even protecting particular cells.

When we touch anything with an opposing electrical charge, these positively or negatively charged ions are extremely noticeable, especially in the winter.

Interesting Facts About PhysicsImage Source: pixabay

5. The overall mass of the cosmos is far greater than the quantity of mass we can account for. The leading notion right now is that dark matter, a mysterious substance that emits no light and accounts for the missing mass has been discovered by physicists. About 95% of the mass in the cosmos is made up of dark matter and dark energy.

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5 Fun Facts About Physics

Read below 5 Fun Facts about Physics that will make it your favorite subject.

1. Gases cause dead individuals to float. When a person drowns, the water in their lungs fills up, causing them to sink. They float back up because when a person dies, their bodies release gas, making them lighter than water.

Fun Facts About PhysicsImage Source: pixabay

2. Modern-day technologies such as GPS, which literally show us the appropriate paths in life, are based on the E= mc 2 physics formula. Satellite navigation systems use radio waves to determine locations and communicate data with geostationary satellites. As a result, the theory of relativity aids in the proper operation of GPS.

3. There is no such thing as a black hole. Sure, they’re dark, but they’re not black. They emit light across the entire spectrum, including visible light, and glow slightly. The radiation is known as “Hawking radiation” after Stephen Hawking, a former Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge University who initially suggested its existence.

Because black holes constantly emit this radiation and hence lose mass, if they don’t have another source of mass to maintain them, they will eventually evaporate.

5 Fun Facts About PhysicsImage Source: pixabay

4. The fact that energy is added to a moving item as its speed increases surely pique the interest of all the lethargic folks out there. Because mass and energy are equal, when the object’s speed increases, its mass increases as well.

The mass of an object increases substantially as it approaches the speed of light. Cars and aeroplanes, on the other hand, do not fall into this group because the increase in speed is just brief.

5. Many notable physicists have taken strong viewpoints on religious issues, and physics has often clashed with religious views. The ultimate key to eliminating the requirement for a Grand Designer and showing how the universe generated itself is the role played by time at the beginning of the universe.

Physics factsImage Source: pixabay

The passage of time must come to a halt. You can’t travel back in time since there was no time before the great big bang.

It was an event that could not have been generated or manufactured by anyone or anything because time itself began at the instant of the Big Bang. Because there was no time before the Big Bang, there was no time for God to create the cosmos. It’s the equivalent of asking for instructions to the very edge of the planet.

Check more Fun Facts that might amaze you and leave a beautiful smile on your face.

Thank you for reading these 10 Interesting Facts about Physics. If you think we missed out on any facts then please do add them in the comments section. And keep reading 215mag blogs for more such knowledgeable content.

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14 August 2021, 14:08 | Views: 1879

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