Top 10 Facts About Math

Top 10 Facts About Math Maths is a very intere...
Top 10 Facts About Math
Top 5 Cool Facts About Math
Top 5 Interesting Facts About Math

Top 10 Facts About Math

Maths is a very interesting subject. Here we will make you know the Top 10 Facts about Math. Did you know that Americans refer to mathematics as “math” rather than “maths” because “mathematics” is a singular noun, therefore they infer that “math” should be singular as well?  For more such Maths Facts keep scrolling down.

215mag presents Top 10 Facts about Math and one fact is that “Forty” is the only number that is spelt with letters arranged in alphabetical order. These Maths Facts are divided into two parts, Top 5 Cool Facts about Math and Top 5 Interesting Facts about Math.

Top 5 Cool Facts About Math

Read Top 5 Cool Facts about Math and one fact is that every odd number has an “e” in it.  These 5 Cool Maths Facts given below make the first part of our list of Top 10 Facts about Math.

1. Edward Kasner, an American mathematician, asked his nine-year-old nephew Milton Sirotta to make up a phrase for him to use in the 1930s. Milton coined the term “googol,” which was later adopted by Edward Kasner to characterise the number.

Milton Sirotta accidentally helped name one of the world’s most famous firms when the search engine Google was called after the ‘googol.’

2. If you properly shuffle a deck of cards, the precise order of the cards you get is quite likely to have never been seen before in the history of the universe.

10 MathsfactsImage Source: pixabay

3. There’s a 50% probability that two persons in a classroom of 23 have the same birthday. The chance rises to 99 percent in a gathering of 75 people. This is known as the Birthday Problem.

4. The equal sign ‘=’ was invented by an English mathematician in 1557. In his book Robert Recorde explains: ‘…to avoid the tedious repetition of these words: “is equal to”, I will set (as I do often in work use) a pair of parallels, or Gemowe lines, of one length (thus =), because no two things can be more equal.’

Equal-Sign MathsImage Source:

5. William Shanks calculated pi to 707 decimal places but made a mistake on the 528th digit. Amateur mathematicia William Shanks (1812-1882) spent a good part of his life calculating mathematical constants by hand. Shanks never found out about his mistake as it wasn’t revealed until after his death.

Top 5 Interesting Facts About Math

Read below 5 Interesting Facts about Math and know that -40 °C is equal to -40 °F. These 5 Interesting Maths Facts make the second part of our list of Top 10 Facts about Math.

1. The sum of the numbers on opposite sides of dice is always seven. The numbers 1,2, and 3 all have the same vertex on a dice. The dice is said to be left-handed if the three numbers run clockwise around the vertex, and right-handed if the three numbers run anti-clockwise around the vertex. Left-handed Chinese dice are more common than right-handed Western dice.

cube-Maths factsImage Source: pixabay

2. We all know that prime numbers can only be split by themselves, and 1 is one of them (such as 2,3,5,7, etc). But what is the largest prime number you can come up with? 257,885,161-1, a 17,425,170 digit number, is the greatest prime number discovered so far.

Curtis Cooper of the University of Central Missouri identified the third-highest known prime while using Gimps software on 1,000 university computers. One of the PCs required 39 days of nonstop computing to verify that it was truly prime.

3. The number of petals in a flower is always matched by the Fibonacci series. The Fibonacci sequence begins with 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, and so on, with the two preceding numbers multiplied together to give you the following one. The lily has three petals, buttercups have five, the chicory flower has 21, the daisy has 34, and so on.

The Fibonacci series is also reflected in the head of a flower, as seen in sunflowers. Seeds are often produced in the centre and migrate outward to occupy all available space as fresh seeds are produced, forming spiral shapes that match the Fibonacci sequence.

Maths factsImage Source: pixabay

4. Water covers 70 percent of the earth’s surface. Freshwater makes up only 3% of the earth’s water, and two-thirds of that is frozen in ice sheets and glaciers. The remaining third can be found in lakes, rivers, and the earth.

5. ‘Four’ is the only number in the English language that is spelt with the same number of letters as the number itself.

10 Facts About MathsImage Source: pixabay

Thank you for reading these Top 10 Facts about Math. Also, check Top 10 Facts About Physics and Top 10 Facts About Biology.

If you think we missed out on any Maths facts then please do add them in the comments section. And keep reading 215mag blogs for more knowledgeable content.

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15 February 2022, 20:22 | Views: 5040

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