Farting is a common and inevitable phenomenon, even though it’s often considered humiliating. It’s the by-product of a functioning digestive system. Farts are actually harmless and good for the body.
With over 500 different types of bacteria that aid in nutrient digestion and absorption in your large intestine, you create enough gas to fill one to three pints a day. Although passing gas can be a sensitive and embarrassing subject of debate, flatulence is a natural component of the digestive process of the body.
Here are 20 crazy facts about farts.
1. There are pills that you can buy to make your farts smell like chocolates and roses.

2. Smelling your partner’s farts will make you live longer. Scientists found that exposure to the gases can stave off mitochondrial damage, cause for multiple health problems.

3. Dogs can see their farts.

4. When you fart, you lose 0.0371 grams of your weight.
5. The word fart was discovered in 1632, defined as “to send forth as wind from the anus.”

6. The average human being farts 14 times a day.

7. Female farts appear to be stinkier as females have a higher concentration of hydrogen sulfide. Female farts are healthier to smell.

8. Blue whales fart bubble could fit a horse.
9. Do not ever keep your farts inside. They’re going through your spine, into your brain, and that’s where crappy ideas come from.

10. Termite farts contribute to global warming.

11. If you constantly farted for seven years approximately, sufficient gas would be produced to create the energy of an atomic bomb.

12. There are people who fart for a living. They are called ‘flatulists.’
13. You fart more on an airplane! Changes in cabin pressure cause the air in your intestines to expand, making you extra gassy!

14. Some food like eggs and meat causes your flatulence to smell worse!

15. Farts are really fast. At 3.05 m per second, which is approximately 7 miles per hour, they clocked in.
16. More vegetarians than non-vegetarians fart because of all the beans they eat, apparently. Beans contain carbohydrates made from molecules that are too wide to be consumed during digestion in our small intestine so that they continue to migrate intact through the large intestine.

17. You fart sufficient every day to fill a medium-sized balloon.

18. The world’s oldest one-liner recorded was a Sumerian fart joke from 1900 BC.
19. The tighter the anus, the louder the fart. Yep, it’s true. Tight-ass has a whole new meaning.

20. With many firms such as Shreddies making underwear and other garments designed to catch foul smells, fart-filtering garments is a full-fledged industry.

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